What is your innermost desire? One of the greatest tragedies of human living is not being aware of what it truly longs for. Without this awareness we would be living superficial lives side-tracked by distractions. Jesus was fully aware of his innermost desire, which was expressed during his alone time with God in John 17. He tells God, “Just as you are in me, and I am in you, I want them also to be in us.” Jesus wants us to join in on the oneness of their relationship.
What does “you are in me and I am in you” mean? Presence. I am here in your life and you are here in my life. Imagine a sponge in a bowl of water. The sponge is in the water and the water is in the sponge. The water is still water, the sponge is still a sponge, yet there is a mutuality of presence. When we lift up the sponge we see the overflowing abundance of water dripping from the sponge. Imagine the sponge being us, and the water being God’s presence!
Perhaps this was the joy (He 12:2) that led Jesus to take his journey into humanity and willingly suffer under an unkind system that would nail him to the cross. The reason for this is incomprehensible for us on this side of heaven. For Jesus to do all this for us, it must be worth it for us to pursue Jesus. Jesus invites us to be with him and learn from him (Mt 11:29). He came to set us free (Ga 5:1). He has given us God’s glory (Jn 17:22). He gave us the Holy Spirit (1 Jn 4:13). He came to help us live in the fullness of life (Jn 14:6). He revealed himself through his suffering and showed us the power of resurrection (Ph 3:10). He sees us as friends and holds nothing back (Jn 15:15). There’s lots more! Let’s sponge it up! Delight in Jesus! Jesus delights in us!
Reclaim Jesus, Reclaim the Faith
What might a community that Jesus desires look like? Might it look like the group of people in Acts 2:42-47 that had people in awe? They were doing life together, breaking bread in their homes with glad and sincere hearts. There were difficulties, but needs were heard and provided for. They were praising God who was among them. They experienced a growing respect from people. There was a sense of togetherness not judgement or division. Many were joining in and creating a new norm. What a different scenario we have today for the church.
As we pondered on this passage, at our celebration service, we also had a sense of awe. Not so much about the miracles of God or attendance, but the ‘I’m here with you’ relational part of faith. This was the central focus of Luke’s telling of the story. Might this be the attraction that made people want to join them? Might this be the missing piece that is causing so many to leave not only the church but also the faith?
In our sharing time, we also acknowledged that it was not natural to our character to be so generous in helping others. We acknowledged that loving self while loving others was a pull in opposite directions. Take heart. Luke didn’t write this for a guilt trip but to inspire. Perhaps the key is found in v.42. The common thread were that these people were paying attention (devoted) to the story of Jesus told by his followers. GAF’s inner most desire is social solidary. Love and justice rolling like a river (Amos 5:4). We believe that when we reclaim the the story of Jesus, and tell others about it, everyone will discover that their innermost desire aligns with Christ.
We are finally back in person after 2+ long years. We endured isolation, learned to zoom, and texted to check in on each other. What a warm feeling to walk into the room and be greeted by our old sign on the board. The Grace Alive Fellowship calligraphy was done 5+ years ago by Tobi. Thank you First Chinese Baptist Church for re-opening the doors for us to gather and for making the room clean and ready for our return. Thank you for the many new friends that came to support us. Thank you for teamwork in making zoom available for those who cannot attend. Thank you to those who stays behind for some fun time playing UNO and Bananagram.
SPONGING it UP! Beloved of God! Fully Known! No Escape!
JOG Update (small group): We meditated on The Beloved Prayer and had a powerful time declaring each other as the beloved sons and daughters of God. We read from Psalm 139 and was amazed with how we are fully known by God, yet he still loves us, and stays with us.
Can’t wait to see what else we can sponge up in the coming weeks!
Monthly Celebration Services are now Sundays
Sunday, 10/2, 11AM - 12:30AM @ 21 Pell street 4th floor. | ZOOM Link | Meeting ID: 327 601 274 | Password: 429125
We gather monthly to celebrate the wonders of God’s love poured out to us. Life can get so messy, that these reminders are what we need to remember the hope we have.
JOG (Journey of Grace) Small Group
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays • 11AM - 12:30PM | ZOOM Link | Meeting ID: 327 601 274 | Password: 429125
Join us for a time of community soul care. Here you will find a safe space to reflect, listen for God’s voice, and journal. We are here to help each other explore and live a life of faith day to day.
Bible Discovery (Every Friday Evening 7:00PM - 8:30PM)
The Bible tells the story of God and the relationship between God and people. We will spend time paying attention by listening to the passages and let it speak to us in ways that is relevant to our own context in life.
We are currently reading the gospel of Luke | ZOOM Link | Meeting ID: 327 601 274 | Password: 895281
Sunday, 10/2, 1:00-3:00 1PM - 3:00PM @ 21 Pell street 4th floor. Right after JOG
Offering / Donations!
We currently allocate 90% of tithes towards our staff stipend and 10% towards an organization supporting our community during this time.
Your donation is tax-deductible. For administrative purposes, please fill out this Google Form each time you donate to GAF.
Donate via ACH/Wire: Use Account #: 875101564230; ABA #: 031101169; Alternative ABA #: 031101279 (ACH payments only).
Donate via Check: Make checks payable to Grace Alive Fellowship. Mail your donation to Manni Lee, 275 South Street, Apt 19D, New York, NY 10002.
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